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Spot Welding Machine for Employment rules: Top management values integrity, middle management values virt

Spot Welding Machine for Employment rules: Top management values integrity, middle management values virt

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Welding Automation for Employment rules: Top management values integrity, middle management values virt

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Platform Spot Welding Machine for Employment rules: Top management values integrity, middle management values virt

Employment rules: Top management values integrity, middle management values virt

Fri, 12 Jan 2024 06:30:53 GMT
If we compare a company to a sports field, then the grassroots are athletes, the middle level is coaches, and the high-level is referees.
At the grassroots level, we only do things and not be human. At the middle level, we both need to do things and be human, while at the senior level, we only need to be human.
For assessing grassroots athletes, a gold medal is the goal, and one is not qualified to make decisions. Do more and say less, and do things well.
Speak with data, do good things better, and even do bad things to the fullest. This is the excellent grassroots, so that we can talk about being a good person.
For middle-level employees in the assessment, they are coaches who need to do both work and be a good person. Because good coaches are athletes who have won gold medals, with both inheritance and innovative experience.
Such a coach must both do things and be a good person, that is to say, they must do their job well and lead the team well. Combining behavior and action, being selfless is fearless, and being selfless is also fearless. This is the qualified middle level.
For the assessment of high-level officials, it is the referee who only cares about people and doesn't care about anything. Because the top management is only responsible for hiring good people, they should manage what they need, and never manage what they don't. Leave more space for the people below and allow them to make mistakes, so that they can grow quickly.
Talent, virtue, and broad mindedness are the standards for testing the employment of grassroots, middle-level, and high-level personnel.
Everyone can understand talent and broad mindedness. What needs to be explained is the middle virtue, what is virtue? Namely, character; What is okay? Namely, personality.
A first-class person: characterized by perseverance, being a person like a mountain, adapting to changes with immutability, having a flexible and rounded personality, doing things like water, and adapting to changes with immutability. This is virtue.
1、 Employment philosophy
Speaking of diploma is more about level;
Emphasizing professional titles and being competent;
Experience is more important than ability;
Pay more attention to qualifications and dedication;
Morality is more important than style.
In terms of employment, without such a correct employment philosophy, recruiting people is also a waste of effort. In the end, blindly expanding the number of people in order to strengthen their strength, the bigger the moves, the only thing they will become is bubble gum, which can be easily broken with just one poke.
In terms of employment philosophy, most enterprises focus on diploma, professional title, experience, qualifications, and ethics. But enterprises are not in politics, academia, or simply charitable causes. In terms of employment, more consideration should be given to level, competence, ability, dedication, and style.
Employment rules: Top management values integrity, middle management values virtue, and grassroots values talent
2、 Employment mentality
In terms of employment mentality, enterprises need to maintain an open, inclusive, and developmental perspective.
Enterprises are not governments, academic research, or charitable organizations, so anyone in a company can generally be divided into three groups of people: subordinates, leaders, and customers.
Many people say "you are my God" and say that customers are God, and customers are parents of food and clothing. This is the voice of the early stage of reform and opening up. With the advancement of the times today, have entrepreneurs ever reflected on who is truly the first God in their hearts? Not someone else, but a subordinate whom one appreciates.
Why do I do this when I have been promoting people who are well treated?
To truly make good use of people is to treat the people you want to use as gods. You need to speak up and act out.
To cultivate subordinates, first serve them well. To train a secretary, first serve the secretary well. If you want a competent subordinate, first serve the subordinate well. If you want a subordinate to provide good service, first serve the subordinate well. Don't show off, you can talk about seniority, but you absolutely can't talk about seniority.
As a management team of a company, it is necessary to have a mindset, both in terms of thinking and behavior, towards subordinates: "What can I do for you? What else can I do for you? What can you ask me to do for you?" This mindset can meet the needs of the company.
For example, when dining with a team, a subordinate may offer you a toast. As a leader, can you first offer a toast to your subordinate? Can we serve the team once with practical actions?
The second God is a respected leader. Whatever the leader says, I will do. I will implement the leader's lofty goals with a down-to-earth attitude. When the leader speaks, we must do good things better and even troublesome things to the fullest.
How to do the specific landing? Set standards meticulously, establish a perfect brand, make projects flawless, strive for progress by every means, and ensure safety without any mistakes.
The third God is a loyal customer. As a decision-maker, we should establish a prominent flag on the outside and gather an elite team to transform the buyer's market into a seller's market in the end. We should strive for excellence or specialization, and serve the first god (appreciated subordinates) and the second god (respected leaders) well. As a result, a third god (loyal customers) will naturally emerge.
It should be noted that although the customer ranks third, they are still God.
3、 Employment methods
Doubt the use of people, doubt the use of people;
Rational doubt, emotional use;
Open doubts, transparent use.
In the era of scarce economy, it is not feasible to use people without doubt. In terms of employment methods, you should remember that any character is controversial, and any talent is unique.
In many countries, during past elections, the final elected president does not have more than half of the votes, indicating that leaders can also be controversial, and companies should also use the same method. Only when enterprises can truly achieve fairness, impartiality, and openness, can they have the possibility of lasting success.
4、 Employment skills
Good at discovering and caring for;
Calm tolerance and generous use.
Firstly, discover the strengths of capable individuals, then nurture their beliefs, embrace their personalities, and finally boldly empower them to have their own stage.
Such talents can not only be retained, but also take the enterprise as a family and do things as a career; Such talents can ultimately speak the master's words, handle the master's affairs, and fulfill their master's duties.
5、 Employment style
Six point talent,
Eighty percent usage,
Very generous treatment.
When selecting talents, enterprises should pay attention to their strength and potential, but also recognize that everyone has their own shortcomings and shortcomings.
An excellent talent may not necessarily be perfect, the key lies in whether they can leverage their strengths and expertise in practical work to contribute to the development of the enterprise.
"Eight point utilization" means that enterprises should fully utilize their strengths and advantages when using talents, so that they can be exercised and improved in practical work.
An excellent talent can only unleash their maximum potential and value when they receive suitable positions and opportunities.
"Excellent treatment" means that enterprises should provide talents with sufficient compensation and benefits, so that they can feel the care and recognition of the enterprise.
Salary and benefits are one of the important means to attract and retain talents. If an excellent talent receives reasonable salary and benefits, they will be more loyal to working for the enterprise.
Therefore, when dealing with talents, enterprises should pay attention to their salary and benefits, and give them full rewards and recognition.
6、 Employ people's hearts and minds
Appreciate more, condemn less;
Use its length to accommodate its shortcomings;
Knife mouth, tofu heart.
Appreciation leads to growth, while condemnation leads to maturity. Leaders need to appreciate more and condemn less, be good at discovering the strengths and weaknesses of employees, and give them full recognition and encouragement.
At the same time, leaders should also be tolerant of the shortcomings and shortcomings of their employees, not overly harsh and critical, but promote their growth and improvement through guidance and assistance.
When it comes to the stage where employees need to mature, we should use a "knife like mouth, tofu like heart" attitude to remind them and make their hearts wait for a moment.
Such leaders can not only effectively drive the progress of work, but also win the trust and support of employees.
7、 Employment Realm
For grassroots - retaining benefits;
Middle level - emotional retention;
For senior management - career retention.
How to retain people? Organize into three levels.
For grassroots personnel, the way is to retain them through treatment, because grassroots people have a simple and low treatment, and they need money. If you can treat them well, try to treat them as well as possible; People cannot bring money into the coffin, why not use it more for the people?
Isn't it a win-win situation to make grassroots people live a better life and work harder?
For middle-level personnel, the approach is to retain them with emotions. Simple material possessions can no longer meet their needs. Only by interacting with genuine emotions and treating these people as family can we be strict, tolerant, appreciative, and condemnable.
In this way, middle-level employees will take care of the company and invest more effort. For high-level personnel, the approach is to retain them through career development. People at this level are often able to take on their own initiative and truly want to make a difference, breaking into their own sky. The investment in treatment and emotions cannot be satisfied.
What they need is the dignity of their career, giving them a platform and space to showcase themselves, providing them with financial and material support, and even making them your partners. Why not?
8、 Successful employment
Dare to deny,
Be brave in innovation,
Be good at defeating others,
Willing to make choices,
Achieve zero.
Firstly, daring to deny is the foundation for successful employment. In the management of enterprises, only by constantly denying past successes and experiences can we constantly break through and surpass ourselves. Only by daring to deny can one be brave enough to accept new ideas and methods, and thus continuously innovate and make progress.
Secondly, the courage to innovate is the key to successful employment. Enterprises need to encourage employees to innovate and try, constantly exploring new markets and opportunities. At the same time, enterprises also need to establish sound innovation and incentive mechanisms to provide necessary support and guarantees for employee innovation.
Thirdly, being good at failure is the wisdom of successful employment. Enterprises need to establish a correct view of failure, encourage employees to be brave enough to try and not afraid of failure, while also teaching employees how to face and handle failure correctly.
Fourthly, being willing to make choices is the philosophy of successful employment. Enterprises that are willing to make choices can clarify their goals and values, and make decisions and choices that best align with their values and development goals.
Finally, achieving zero is the mindset of successful employment. Enterprises also need to focus on cultivating employees' awareness of returning to zero, encouraging them to continuously learn new knowledge and skills, thereby continuously improving their abilities and qualities.
Disclaimer: The content of this article is sourced from public channels and is for communication and learning purposes only. If there is any infringement, please contact us for deletion.
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