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Spot Welding Machine for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

Spot Welding Machine for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

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laser Welding Machine for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

Welding Automation for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

Welding Automation for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

Platform Spot Welding Machine for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

Platform Spot Welding Machine for A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

A good way to buy big-ticket items from Amazon

Tue, 31 Aug 2021 10:18:20 GMT
Over the time I've used this forum, I've noticed several threads regarding buying items from Amazon because the price happened to be low at that particular time. Amazon and its vendors change prices on items periodically, and there's a way to track historic pricing and stay on top of it if you're looking to buy something and save money. That way is by using the site CamelCamelCamel.com. The site tracks pricing and gets a cut of the transaction price for referring you there. A lot of blogs do that when they 'review' products and provide Amazon links, but the difference is that Camel provides a service by not only tracking pricing, but allowing you to set the price you're willing to pay. When the item hits your buy number, Camel sends you an email. It's pretty neat and it's saved me quite a few bucks.Granted, this doesn't help if you need a product tomorrow, but if you can wait, it can be beneficial.Here's an example of the AHP 200X that seems to be a popular machine:Here's a Metabo WEV15-125 HT:Jet 414610 Belt Grinder:25-pack of Sait grinding wheels:All standard disclaimers apply: No affiliation beyond being a customer, no financial reward for your use of the site, sold by weight not volume, do not point at the sun, et cetera.Last edited by Mr. Smith; 04-26-2016 at 11:20 PM.-Chris
Replyooks interesting...I bookmarked it.Thanks
Reply:My wife uses a competing product Tracktor.  Same idea.Actually, if you put something in your cart and then save it for later, you will get alerts from Amazon about price changes.In January, I bought a set of headphones (bluetooth and noise cancelling) for $150ish.  I returned them due to a defect a couple of weeks later, with the intent on repurchasing (aside from the buzzing in one ear, I was really enamored with them).  But by that time, the price had risen to $165ish, and I was not willing to spend that much, so I left it sitting in the cart.Yesteryday I saw them for $139 and jumped on it.  A few minutes later, I looked again, and it was up to $174.
Reply:You need to monitor Amazon pricing and know your prices. Impulse buying can be costly. I bought the Jackson Safety Curv O Mark Centering Head Pipe Marker (14775), Standard #6 from them for $50.15. I knew what it sold for and happened to check Amazon , and it was cheap. Bought it and next day it was back up to $76 . I never did try Camel but heard of it. When you have items in cart and review cart , Amazon will state if your item increased or decreased n price.
Reply:I've used a similar website before and got a HTIB that was normally $900 for $633.
Reply:I'm thinking these sites serve both the customer and the sellers.If sellers can see who is interested, and when they need to move inventory they know you will be alerted and possibly motivated to purchase. Can be a win win situation., but can also be exploited.I usually don't care for the middleman concept where a guy inserts himself in the middle and skims profit off off buyer/seller transactions...Little work and all pay sorta stuff.All of us sometimes serve as the middleman when we know of a deal and a friend mentions he needs that item....but almost none of us attempt to profit from that info. It is something we do for each other for free.There is no way anyone can operate middleman site for free, so I also expect they must get paid...But, it is when the middleman sews up the supply/demand market that it gets ugly and harms the whole free trade concept.Folks also need to remember that middlemen are strictly "information brokers" and most also profit greatly by selling your contact info and buying interests where you are soon flooded with junk mail, internet popups, and unwanted sales or scam calls.Last edited by wornoutoldwelder; 04-27-2016 at 02:17 PM.

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